Resultados: 3

Efetividade das intervenções contra violência no trabalho sofrida por profissionais de saúde e apoio: metanálise

Resumo Objetivo: avaliar a efetividade das intervenções direcionadas à prevenção e redução da violência no trabalho sofrida por profissionais de saúde e apoio. Método: revisão sistemática com metanálise realizada em oito bases de dados e na literatura cinzenta. O risco de viés foi reali...

Violence at work in emergency care units: nurses' experiences

Objectives: to understand the perception of nurses in emergency care units about the violence experienced at work. Method: qualitative study conducted through 21 individual interviews between November and December 2018 in two emergency care units in a city in Paraná. Symbolic Interactionism was adopted...

Verbal abuse and mobbing in pre-hospital care services in Chile

ABSTRACT Objective: to determine the perception of verbal abuse and mobbing and the associated factors of paramedic technicians (nursing assistants) and professionals (nurses, midwives, kinesiologists) in the pre-hospital care areas of three regions in the south of Chile. Methods: descriptive and corre...